Mental Health Workshop

This interactive, dynamic and engaging session combines structured experiences with group discussions and interaction. It is intended to raise awareness about mental health in the workplace and challenge preconceived notions. Participants will also be able to explore ways they can better support colleagues with mental health problems. Participants will also have the opportunity to reflect on their mental health and to develop strategies to maintain their health and well-being. Lets Learn more about the classes of Soul Spa Mental health workshop.

Anger Management: It refers to the ability to recognize the signs you are becoming angry and take appropriate action to calm yourself down and resolve the situation. Anger management does not discourage anger from coming out or suppress it. When you understand how to express anger appropriately, anger can be a healthy emotion.

You can learn anger management skills by yourself, or you could use books and other resources. For many, however, it is best to take an anger management class from Soul Spa or see a mental health professional.

Stress Management: It is a skill that helps you to break the grip stress holds on your life. This will allow you to be happier, more productive, and healthier. A balanced life with work, family, friends, relaxation, fun, and the ability to withstand pressure and face challenges head-on is the ultimate goal. Stress management isn’t a one-size-fits all approach. It’s important that you experiment to find the best stress management strategy for your needs. These stress management tips from Soul Spa will help you to do just that.

Family counselling: Family can be a source for support, encouragement, and love. However sometimes families become strained and members feel neglected or isolated. Family counseling can be helpful when siblings don’t get along or parents are going through a divorce.

Counselling and psychotherapy: Counselling is generally a short-term consultation, while psychotherapy is a longer-term approach. Counselling focuses on present issues that can be resolved at the conscious level, while psychotherapy focuses more deeply and thoroughly on a person’s past. Counselling is focused more on the immediate problems and their outcomes, while psychotherapy focuses more on helping people understand their lives in a deep and reflective way. Soul Spa Mental health workshop provide counselling that can help clients deal with powerful emotions like grief and anger, identify and clarify their values, make important decisions in their lives, and manage conflict. It can also help them to develop better interpersonal communication skills and change unproductive thoughts.

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Purrna Kraleti
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